The Rock's AIM pics
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These are The Rock's favorite AIM pics - just right click, choose save as, and use them!!

Do you smell what The Rock is cookin'?

The Rock is the youngest ever WWF champion

He raises The People's Eyebrow...

He debuted in the 1996 Survivor Series, which he won

Another People's Eyebrow

The Rock is a Triple Triad winner - The WWF Champ, IC champ, and Tag-team Champ

Isn't he Electrifying?
The Rock had his own pay-per-view named after him -"Rock Bottom" in 1998

The Rock - Know your role and shut your mouth!
He makes over a million dollars each year

Just Bring It!

The Rock was once part of the NOD (Nation of Domination)

The most popular Rock pic
His last title reign was 1 month long